Making Of Your Hope

Julian Assange Journalist  - CaitlinJohnstone / Pixabay
February 22, 2021

Making Of Your Hope

Rev. Dr. Keith Murphy

Make of your hope with just 3 things.

1. Faith- for things you don’t understand.

2. Family- The group you have by birth or the one you make.

3. Work Hard – 110% in Everything you do.

Hope is as easy as prayer. Handing the difficult things up to the higher power the god of your choice. Excepting responsibility for you, the individual. None believers in a higher power are drawn to a collective to fit in. Its ok to be a 1%. Never ask for acceptance from man for you will fail.

An easy way is to be an organized individual is to use the prime number 3. So divide a 3 folder notebook into 3 sections.

1. Long Term Goals/Dreams

2. The Cloud of Distraction

3. Short term to complete

Complete the short term and rewrite before going to bed, let the mind work when your asleep. When you have an idea write it down in the Cloud of Distraction to be added or deleted during rewriting and dreams and goals

Hope happens when you take action towards your success and your god want you to be the best, Why? So you can help others

.All the Best

