How To Boost Your Motivation

June 20, 2022

How To Boost Your Motivation

It is no secret that life can be tough. This is especially true for anyone set on living a life of fulfillment and achievement. GOD of your choosing gives us gifts but, you must be to be open to receiving. Probably the most important intrinsic factor, responsible for rising above the rest of the population is motivation. People will call you a narcissist only to hold you back because they are lazy. Look for these people so that you can mark them as your competitors. Competitors will distract you! Don’t give them that power.

Never! Race against others, For it’s not your goal line! Never! Race against unless you are racing on the same track. You will always win against competitors when you have a plan broken down into small steps of completion because you have a plan! It will never go as planned so be open to change for that is the constant in the universe. Allow your competitors to become your followers.

Motivation is the one variable that allows you to push yourself when those around you give up and seek out one challenge after another to conquer. The real word is your completing things on your list. The way to complete things is to be organized. I use a simple three-subject binder notebook. Long term in the front, ideas in the middle and short term or things to do today, I rewrite the rear or short term before going to bed before saying my prayers, so that the brain has something to do when I sleep to organize and confirm the next day.

If you are currently experiencing a dry spell in the way of motivation or even if you have never thought of yourself as a driven individual, but would like to become one, this article is a must-read. Here we will discuss 5 helpful steps that, in no particular order, are an effective way to enhance your overall motivation and drive to achieve the goals you have set for yourself! You will become a machine. Understand the box is self-imposed and the list and organization are the foundation to your success

Know Your Why

While it may seem obvious, knowing your reasoning and passion behind anything you pursue is critical. When you first set out on a goal or achievement, your “why” for doing so typically starts out pretty clear. However, somewhere in the grind of working towards this goal, this foundation can quickly become obscured.

Make no mistake; any time you are tirelessly working towards something worthwhile, no matter how important, there WILL be days in which you feel less motivated than others. Remaining conscientious of why you started in this first place serves as your second (or third, or fourth) wind to get back up and keep pushing.

Know Your Direction

Extreme motivation has a tendency to cause one to put their head down and work like a maniac. While there are times that this mindset is beneficial, some sense of direction must be maintained. Big goals rarely consist of point A and point B. Its really A to Z

Instead, it is important to have a general outline in mind of each specific step towards your destination. So yes, while keeping your nose to the grindstone is a must, looking up every now and then to adjust and begin the next phase of your blueprint is the only way to continue heading in the right direction!

Allow Small Victories

No matter how much (or little) motivation you have towards a goal, failing to enjoy small successes in pursuit of the finish line is a sure-fire way to run out of gas before you get there.

While resting on your laurels and settling for less than what you want must be avoided, depriving yourself of fulfillment along the way is also detrimental. In pursuit of your goals, take some time to reward yourself when you accomplish one of the (often many) small steps to get there.

You Versus You, Not You Versus Them

This is a step that almost all of us need to hear. Keep in mind that your goals are YOUR goals. Letting other people’s pursuits dictate what you strive for is a slippery slope. This can be a stress factor to change. After all, you will never find the motivation required to achieve anything great without a personal conviction to do so. Whatever it is you want, the only comparison to be made is to the person you were the day before. You can’t change the past but the future and today are yours for the taken because you have a plan,

Controlled Tunnel Vision

Consider this fact: whatever big goal or achievement you are after most likely involves only one facet of your life. Whether this goal is a career, athletic, or personally oriented, the rest of your life is not going to stop while you go after it. It is inevitable that much of your motivation and energy is going to be focused on the biggest victory you are after.

However, I can assure you that your sense of fulfillment will be diminished upon reaching the finish line and realizing you have neglected every other facet of who you are to get there. Balance is always key. Add things to your list in the back, like gym, and extra time with loved ones don’t let the rest of your life fall to the wayside while you chase one dream and be organized for your success to compete in all the dreams.

All the best

Rev/Chef Dr. K.T. Murphy
