7 Diets, Why ???

February 12, 2022

7 Diets, Why ???

By Chef Murph

Are you thinking of 7 diets, why?? The answer is different diets get all the rage because in our instant gratification society, well… why wouldn’t they. Many diets promise fast results but do they really deliver?

It’s hard to say since each person is different but most FAD diets are not necessarily sustainable, nor do they allow for lasting results. Some can even be downright unhealthy. Many have no research or proven data of effectiveness while being safe for you.

However, there are some great diets that have come out that focus on short and long-term health. These diets are worth looking into as they are backed by science and research as sustainable options. Not only can you experience healthy weight loss but the benefits are limitless.

If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure/sugar, diabetes, etc. then you can benefit from one of these diets. They are designed to focus on your health as much as your weight so you don’t need to worry in that case.

So if you’re looking for a diet that you can stick with and see results with, then you might want to keep reading.

Here are“7 Diets That Make Sense” …

The Dash Diet

Here’s a popular and effective diet that was ranked “Best diet” by U.S. News and World for eight years straight. People are getting phenomenal results with the Dash diet and its benefits are as good as you could ask for.

It’s consistently ranked as the best diet in many lists and publications as well which means it must be all it’s cracked up to be.

It’s a simple concept and focuses on food group efficacy for putting together healthy meals. There is a strategy to anything effective and the Dash Diet is no exception.

The Dash diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and low/non-fat dairy.

With the Dash diets the benefits you can expect to see include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Stable blood sugar
  • Improved HDL (Good)cholesterol levels and lower LDL (Bad) Cholesterol levels
  • Weight loss
  • Overall better health

The Dash diet does all the right things and it is recommended by several of the top health organizations. These include the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and The Dietary Guidelines for Americans. If a diet program has good standing with major health associations, then it most likely is very effective.

Anyone from adults to children can benefit from the Dash diet since it is nutrient-dense and includes everything you need in your diet. You can also follow this diet long-term as we as humans need a variety of nutrients.

The Dash Diet makes sure that you never become deficient in anything and many people run into that very problem with other diets.

If you’d like to experience the amazing results that many are raving about, consider giving the Dash diet a try! You have nothing to lose… well maybe some extra pounds.

The Mediterranean Diet

An amazing diet for health and weight loss is the Mediterranean diet. Mostly plant-based, this diet focuses on vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, fish, herbs, and healthy oils. This diet has been found in various studies to prevent heart disease and even reduce its effects in those already diagnosed.

Red meat is consumed in very limited quantities and you may also have some red wine (In moderation of course).

Olive oil is used rather than butter and/or spreads for healthy fats and herbs replace salt.

Here are a few rules for the Mediterranean diet:

  • Diet must be mostly plant-based
  • Fish can be consumed 1-2 times per week.
  • Red meats are consumed no more than a couple times per month.
  • Use healthy oils to replace butter/margarine.
  • You may have a little wine (Good for heart health).
  • Be generous with herbs and spices as to cut down on salt intake.

Your blood pressure will thank you, while your blood sugar levels will stabilize. Also, heart health is an important reason to follow a healthy diet like the Mediterranean diet. Natural and whole foods are the focus of the Mediterranean diet.

Throw some olive oil in there and you cut down on the unnecessary extras we tend to add to our foods.

Overall, the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets you can follow.

WW “Wellness That Works”

Wellness That Works was formerly Weight Watchers. This diet system has been around for quite some time but there’s no doubt WW is one of the best when it comes to pure weight loss.

WW which was formerly Weight Watchers focuses on a point system where you don’t necessarily need to cut out certain foods. The Weight Watchers plan was designed to promote smaller portions and a balance of foods.

So you can eat foods that you enjoy but within reason basically.

However, they do advise eating healthy foods and the new WW freestyle program has added many zero-point options. This means you don’t have to count or keep track of these foods in your meal plans.

They have a few different subscriptions to help you stay on track which includes personal coaching, diet tracking, physical activity and a community.

Why you’ll benefit from a WW program…

  • It’s proven
  • Lose weight the healthy way
  • Get support
  • Track everything at the touch of a button (Or screen)

A long-lasting diet program like WW has been proven to be effective and cause weight loss. They have changed over the years and for the better. The tools that they provide are wonderful and it’s easy to stay motivated when you have a good plan.

Consider WW if weight loss is your main goal because many people can vouch for their credibility and effectiveness.

A Low-Calorie Diet

This diet is what most people would follow because it doesn’t require as much preparation. You simply follow a lower calorie diet by eating foods that are filling yet not as calorically dense. Healthy foods are encouraged but it’s not as strict as many food-specific diets.

Notice this diet is a “Lower” calorie diet. This means eating fewer calories than you’re used to eating. If you get too low, you may become deficient in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Then you defeat the purpose of a healthy diet (It happens often).

It’s smart to have some preparation because if you start eating less, you may revert back to eating more due to lack of preparation.

Here are a few tips for starting a general lower-calorie diet:

  • Buy and prepare foods beforehand
  • Consume foods that are minimally/non-processed
  • Read the food labels
  • Eat balanced meals that include lean protein, vegetables and some grains.
  • Focus on plant-based options (Lean meats are acceptable)
  • Use a weight loss calculator to get an idea of your daily caloric requirements (Makes keeping track easier).

Aside from weight loss, a lower-calorie diet allows for a healthier digestive system, while possibly decelerating the aging process. Research suggests that lower-calorie diets may decrease the risk for cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s as well.   

Eating lower calories may not be easy but if you eat nutrient-dense foods and minimize processed foods, it gets easier and you’ll be healthier as a result.

Anyone can lose weight by eating fewer calories but the added benefits are worth following a similar diet periodically, at the minimum.

The Flexitarian Diet

Definitely a unique name for a diet program but it sounds just like what it is. The Flexitarian diet is for those who want to try vegetarianism but also have a piece of meat once in a while. The focus of the diet is to focus mostly on plant-based foods.

It promotes all-around health while not depriving you completely of a nice juicy steak!

This is a good diet for someone who may want to fully dive into to being a vegetarian at some point for or someone who just can’t go without meat.

The foods that you’d normally be consuming when following a Flexitarian diet include:

  • Beans, legumes
  • Tofu
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Anything plant based and minimally/non-processed

With the Flexitarian diet, it’s best to avoid processed foods, fried foods, refined foods like white flour and pasta as well as added sugars. The reduction in meats and dairy is the main focus of this diet but encouraging healthy habits is also essential to see results.

Most people would probably choose to start here when transitioning into a more heavy plant-based diet. Jumping into a straight vegetable-heavy diet can cause some stomach discomfort. As long as plant-based foods are introduced a little more frequently, you’ll ease into being an official “Flexitarian”.

A Flexitarian diet is pretty simple to follow but preparation is important as to not reach for the wrong foods. So have your foods easily accessible. Many people would appreciate the flexibility of this diet and it has earned its (Cool) name rightly so.

Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet

As simple as it sounds, it can be challenging to switch from a diet that includes meat and dairy, to a vegan diet. You really have to understand what being a vegan is before you commit to such a diet. Nothing that you consume can contain meat, dairy or animal by-products (Includes honey).

However, there are some great benefits to going vegan. Studies have shown that you get more fiber, and plant-based nutrition (Obviously) which we need enough of.

Many meat-eaters neglect plant-based foods as a result of meat being a primary food source. Well, a vegan diet is rich in many plant-based nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Vegan diets include foods like:

  • Tofu
  • Beans
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Vegan made foods like cheese, Ice cream etc.

There are so many options when it comes to eating vegans. Many recipes are made from these foods but these are only some of your options. There are actually some amazing options that you’d never think were vegan if you ate them.

These foods are fantastic for cleansing the body as well and will leave you full of energy.

Studies show that vegans on average weigh less than non-vegans and the other benefits include stable blood sugar/pressure, disease prevention, weight loss and overall good health.

A common concern with a vegan diet is that B12 is often a vitamin that vegans are deficient in. To correct this deficiency would require fortified foods or supplements to get enough B12. Most other nutrients can be found in plant-based foods.

If you’ve been interested in going vegan, remember it’s a lifestyle that you must commit too. Being a vegan is more than just what you eat but since we are discussing diets, you’ll have to find that information!

Ketogenic Diet

You’ve surely heard of the work “Ketogenic” because it’s never been more popular. Everywhere you turn; you hear about or see someone “Going Keto”. Many people are advocating its efficacy and Keto supplements have even been introduced into the market.

Although the Ketogenic diet has its place, it may not be sustainable forever and that is ok. Many times people that follow a diet will experience the benefits and then keep up with a similar eating style.

The point of a Ketogenic diet is to allow fat to be used as the main source of energy instead of carbohydrates (Ketosis). Now Ketogenic diets are not safe for everyone (Diabetics and pregnant women).

A normal low-carb diet should be safe and without the risk of any significant complications for most people, however.

Doctors have used Ketogenic diets for children and adults with epilepsy for a while now. Some research even suggests a Ketogenic diet can help with heart disease, diabetes and insulin resistance. It’s possible effects on cancer and other diseases are still being discovered

According to WebMD, Ketosis starts within 3-4 days of eating less than 50 grams of carbs per day and/or fasting can cause ketosis as well. At this point, you should be able to see how going Keto is affecting your body.

Before you start a Ketogenic diet, make sure you’re prepared with the proper nutrition.

Here are some foods to consider when on a Ketogenic diet:

  • Lean meats
  • Low carb vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Olive/Coconut Oil
  • High-Fat dairy
  • Nuts/seeds
  • Avocadoes
  • berries

These foods are a great start to a Keto diet. Notice carbs are not completely cut out but they are restricted enough for the fats to take over for energy. There are actually a few different forms of a Ketogenic diet (Variations in carbohydrates) but a beginner diet should not be complex.

It’s also safer to start out slowly decreasing the carbohydrates before you experience a complete state of Ketosis. Our bodies like to do things slowly and although fat loss may be desired quickly, let health be your first concern.

At first, weight loss may occur more rapidly because carbs hold water and you’d be eliminating a lot of water this way. However, you’ll also burn fat and build muscle as you get further into the diet.

The Ketogenic diet may not be for everyone but, many people are loving its efficacy.

Choose the Diet That Work Best For You

There’s no one size fits all diet (Or anything in life for that matter) but there are some good ones out there that you could benefit from. It sure doesn’t hurt to try.

Anyhow, thousands of people around the world are seeing spectacular, life-changing results… so why not be one of them?

A good diet program has scientific backing and many positive testimonials. There has to be a purpose behind a diet plan in order to achieve results of any kind.

FAD diets promise too much while underdelivering and even being unhealthy for you. These are the programs you should stay away from. They come and go and usually, the complaints outweigh the positive reviews.  

Some of these diets listed may only be suitable for certain people and/or for a short period. Knowing your current state of health and your goals will make things easier for you.

A diet doesn’t have to last forever but developing good habits should last forever. So if you’re hesitant about trying something because you are afraid of commitment… don’t be! Your health depends on you making a decision to change your eating habits for good. It’s a lifestyle, not a fad.

All the best

Chef Murph

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.

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