Cut all the meat of a chicken into thin strips; season with black pepper, and cayenne, and fry in hot lard. Add some ham, onion, celery, green bean sprouts and mushrooms cut fine. Moisten with 1/2 cup of stock. Add 1/4 cup of Chinese sauce; cover and let simmer until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour; add 2 tablespoonfuls of cream and chopped parsley. Serve hot on a platter with boiled rice. Tags: asian food, chick fried rice, Chicken, chicken balls, chines, Chinese, chinese food costume, chinese food fan, chinese food lover, chinese food take out container, chinese food takout, chop suey, chow mein, egg rolls, ess rolls, food, pagoda, plate, restaurant, retro, spare ribs, Support Ukraine, support Ukrainian artists. Find out how., take out, takeaway, takeway, thank you enjoy, vintage, white