This recipe was copied from a piece of paper from her cookbook
Make into a stiff paste one pint of biscuit powder, a little brown sugar, grated lemon peel, six eggs, and three-quarters of a pound of warmed fresh butter; then prepare four apples chopped finely, a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds blanched and chopped, half a pound of stoned raisins, a little nutmeg grated, half a pound of coarse brown sugar, and a glass of white wine, or a little brandy; mix the above ingredients together, and put them on a slow fire to simmer for half an hour, and place in a dish to cool; make the paste into the form of a small dumplings, fill them with the fruit, and bake them 400 F 20 minutes; when put in the oven, pour over a syrup of brown sugar and water, flavored with lemon juice.
Now the translation
Make into a stiff paste one pint of biscuit powder, (Note a Pint is 2 cups)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of Brown Sugar
1 grated lemon peel
6 eggs
3 sticks of butter
4 Apples Chopped fine
1/4 pound of sweet almonds blanched (leave a handful out to garnish)
( Allow water to come to a rolling boil place the almonds in for 1 minute)
1/2 pound of Raisins no pits
Make the paste into the form of small dumplings, fill them with the fruit, and bake them at 400 F 20 minutes. , pour over the syrup of brown sugar after 15 min when in the oven
1 teaspoon Nutmeg or Nut grated
2 cups of Brown Sugar
4 shots of brandy 3 for the recipe and 1 for you
Add the Lemon strain the pulp and seed then add into the sauce.
Note: I sometimes need to add a little water
My mother added the powdered sugar and then butter icing drizzle over the top of them
Butter Icing in a blender
- 1 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour or egg white powder
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 1 cup white sugar 10x
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Hope you enjoy it
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