Have daily a cup of Coffee for better Sex Life Say it is not true! This obviously much-needed and sought-after study just exudes its authenticity. I kid you not – persuasive evidence comes forth resulting from a study of rats no less! Findings suggest that a cup of coffee can get you in the mood so to speak because the rats that got their shot of caffeine were more motivated to seek sex partners than their un-caffeinated animal counterparts. Thus we learn that caffeine will enhance sexual arousal. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1348070/Give-love-life-lift–live-longer-Sex-helpsheart.html Speaking of performance and endurance, good news too for those into endurance type sports like cycling and running and other sporting endeavours. It seems that coffee drinkers are also endowed with superior athletic performance and motivation. The study found that after drinking caffeine the participants put more effort into their training and felt motivated to continue for longer. Anyway, the scientific explanation for increased performance is detailed in a New York Times Report here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22124354 I guess it hardly needs to be said – Let’s raise a celebratory mug and drink to the wonder beverage and to those ever- so desirable super powers from the bean Gods.