January 23, 2021

Ingredients for COQUILLES ST. JACQUES recipe

1 C: dry white wine 1 bay leaf
½ Teaspoon salt 1 Pound Sea Scallops
½ Teaspoon pepper ½ Pound sliced fresh mushrooms

3 Tablespoons butter 2 Egg yolks
4 Tablespoons flour ½ Cup whipping cream
¼ C: scallop liquid or seafood stock ¼ Lemon juiced
¾ C: of whole milk 10 Tablespoons Swiss cheese
Salt and pepper for taste

Combine all poaching ingredients except the Scallops and mushrooms. Bring to a simmer
for a few minutes; add Scallops and mushrooms and enough water to slightly cover
Scallops. Bring back to a simmer and lower heat so that liquid is not boiling but slowly poaching
for about 5 minutes.

Melt butter and mix flour to make a white roux. Do not let the flour brown. Cook slowly
until mixture is smooth. With the fire turned off blend in the poaching liquid, then the
milk. Cook for about 2 minutes on low fire. Blend the egg yolks and cream in a separate
bowl. When blended drip the egg and cream mixture slowly into the hot sauce beating
until sauce is smooth. Return sauce to heat and stir for about 2 minutes then add the
lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Add the Scallops and mushrooms to about 2/3 of the
sauce and mix well with fire off. Butter Scallop shells or ramekins and add the Scallop and
mushroom sauce mixture. Spoon remaining sauce over Scallops and top with grated Swiss
cheese. Broil until cheese is melted and sauce is hot. Should be served immediately from

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