Venison Sauces

January 23, 2021

Ingredients for Venison Sauces recipe
Categories: game, sauces, scottish
Yield: 6 servings

1/4 lb sugar
1/2 pt champagne vinegar
1 sweet sauce:
6 oz white or red currant jelly
6 oz white or red wine

Sharp Sauce:

Sharp Sauce:–A quarter-pound of the best loaf-sugar, or white candy-sugar,
dissolved in a half-pint of Champagne vinegar, and carefully skimmed.

Sweet Sauce:–Melt some white or red currant jelly with a glass of white or
red wine, whichever suits best in color; or serve jelly unmelted in a small
sweetmeat-glass. This sauce answers well for hare, fawn, or kid, and for
roast mutton to many tastes.

Gravy for Venison:–Make a pint of gravy of trimmings of venison or shanks

of mutton thus: broil the meat on a quick fire till it is browned, then
stew it slowly. Skim, strain, and serve the gravy it yields, adding salt
and a teaspoonful of walnut pickle.

Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally, reduce heat and cover. Simmer until
wild rice is tender, 40 to 50 minutes. Stir in pine nuts, pears and

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