Benefits of the Paleo Diet

February 11, 2018

Benefits of the Paleo Diet:

by Chef Murph

The advantages of the Paleo Diet have been researched and proven in numerous academic journals. It is amazing how changing what we put in our mouths can cause dramatic changes in our quality of life.

  • Lose fat– Though the Paleo diet is designed as a weigPaleo Coverht loss plan people inherently lose weight. The foods that make up the Paleo diet are what we call fat burning foods. In fact, the Paleo diet allows you to eat large quantities of delicious food while restricting calories. The result is a lean, fit body.
  • Fight Disease– The Paleo diet is proven to help prevent diabetes, Parkinson’s avoid Parkinson’s, cancer, heart disease, and strokes.
  • Improve Digestion– Many digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and indigestion can be avoided.
  • Combats Acne– Eating the Paleo way means avoiding the foods that cause acne. When sebum is overproduced or obstructed the sebaceous glands enlarge and form pimples. Foods in the Paleo diet do not cause the insulin spikes that cause a sebum boost. As a result, you can expect smoother, more attractive skin.
  • Feel Good– Not only does the Paleo diet help people healthier and look younger it also makes you feel better. Paleo supporters swear by the caveman lifestyle because it just “feels” right. The only way to find out the energy and confidence they experience is to try it for yourself.

Diet Basics

People assume the Paleo Diet is complicated are difficult to follow. It is actually quite simple. Eat real foods. For a guideline on portions, 56–65% of your calories should come from animals, 36–45% from plant-based foods. Keep proteins high at 19-35% carbohydrates at 22-40% and fat at 28-58%.

 What to Eat

Eating a Paleo Diet is more about experimenting than limitations. Mother Nature provides a large variety of delicious foods to explore. Instead of settling for a box of processed macaroni and cheese, feast on a meal that excites your taste buds and your energy level. Here is a small list of the many foods to incorporate into your diet.


Chef Murph

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