Happiness ,Living in the Moment

January 30, 2019

By Chef K.T. Murphy

How many of you spend your days looking ahead to what’s to come or rolling around

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in the pond of feelings of regret from some that happened in the past? It is not a unique problem that so many people have when you consider they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. We spend our work week trying to make it to the weekend, and once the weekend arrives, we spend our Sundays lamenting over the idea of the return of Monday.  I do it all the time. Whatever happened to merely living in the moment?
Living in the Moment
It is highly possible that you may not remember what it feels like to live in the moment. Don’t feel bad; you are not alone. Not very many people are good at enjoying the things that are happening right before their eyes. Living in the moment is an act of mindfulness. Your focus is entirely in the here and now and you can experience feelings and have relevant thoughts. You move from moment to moment without much thought for anything else.
Why is Living in the Moment Difficult?
Living in the moment can be challenging for us all because we are continually receiving warnings about the need to plan for the future. School, careers, retirement and even building a family are riddled with expectations that we set goals and prioritize how it is we decide to take action. Let’s face it; it is hard to break old habits.

Next, we have a lot of distractions that occupy our lives including emails, text messages, and social media. With so much technology at our fingertips, it can be difficult to slow down for even a moment to notice the sun is shining and there is not a single cloud in the sky.  Let’s take a look at what it means to live in the moment and how it contributes to real happiness.
Benefits for Living in the Moment
You may be feeling a bit of concern about your ability to live in the moment, but there are real benefits that accompany this lifestyle including:
Less Anxiety. Being mindful or living in the moment helps to combat anxiety thanks in part to your ability to not ruminate over things that already happened and ground yourself in the world around you.
Less Stress. Stress levels can take a sizable drop with living in the present. Feelings of anger and resentment are no longer prominent as you remove those things that demand so much of you such as your technology
Physical Wellness. With the reduction in stress and anxiety levels, you can experience a general improvement in your physical health. Many people report having less pain or bouts with inexplicable illness.

How Can Living in the Moment Bestow Happiness?
Living in the moment can not only give you some relief, but it may also bestow a bit of happiness thanks to the multiple side effects that can result.
Living in the moment allows us to focus on the present. Thoughts of yesterday, last month or even last year are not helpful or what is essential. Living in the moment permits you to indulge or savor everything that is taking place right then and there. Sights, sounds, and smells become that much more vibrant.
Looking Forward is No Longer a Bad Habit
Although goal planning still happens in your life, it is not a constant. Also, you soon realize that worrying about the future is not as productive as there are often occasions in which you cannot control it. Choosing to live in the moment will allow you to dodge worry and fear about what it is you may or may not be doing wrong with your life.
Distracting Thoughts
Living in the moment keeps distracting thoughts at bay. You get the unique opportunity to spend time instead experiencing positive thoughts and giving thanks to the things you do have or what it is you do well. With repetition, your brain learns to focus on the positive aspect of the moment.
Rumination is Not Your Style
Finally, living in the moment can enable you to stop ruminating in the perceived messiness that may lurk in the corners of your life.

In summary, living in the moment can deliver happiness. It is a liberating experience that will require a bit of practice. However, with practice will come peace of mind and the unique capacity to savor the present.  Changing the prism that you look through changes your prospective on life. Old Song The road goes on for ever and the party never ends.

All the best

Chef Murph


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