Deer Sausage I

January 23, 2021

Ingredients for Deer Sausage I recipe
Categories: game
Yield: 1 servings

10 lb deer meat, lean
10 lb pork, fresh, lean
3 oz water
1 oz pepper, black
3/4 oz ginger, ground
1 1/4 oz nutmeg
1/2 oz allspice

1/2 oz paprika
2 ts garlic powder
12 oz salt
1/2 lb dried milk
2 1/2 ts liquid smoke

Grind together the two meats, mix thoroughly. Add measured water. Mix
spices thoroughly and mix well into meat mixture. If sausage is to be
smoked, omit the liquid smoke. You may stuff sausage into casings, making
6-8″ links, or make into patties for freezing. To cook, place in a frying
pan with a cover, adding water to the 1/3 mark on the sausage. Boil for 15
minutes covered, then remove. Drain most of the fat from the pan; replace
sausage and brown. Make gravy in pan after sausage done.

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