New Orleans Muffuletta Sandwich

Egg-Free Salad Sandwiches
January 23, 2021

 Ingredients for New Orleans Muffuletta Sandwich recipe

5 # crayfish tails (the best are from Louisiana waters)
9-10 bunches of green onions (chopped)
2 onions (chopped)
1 bunch celery – about 9 pieces (chopped)
7 toes garlic (chopped) and garlic powder (to taste)
1 bunch parsley (chopped)
1 1/2 sticks of butter (to sauté the vegetables) OR canola oil
5 cans of chicken broth (if too thick add a sixth can)
1/2 can tomato paste (to color and thicken)
Approx.3 lg. cooking spoons flour (not tablespoons)
A little water from rinsing crayfish bags
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Creole Seasoning (to taste)

Sauté vegetables in butter. Add chicken broth, tomato paste, flour, crayfish, and water.
Add salt, pepper, and Tony Chacherie’s to taste. May add a dash of Tabasco. Cook
approximately 1 hour on low heat. Serve over rice.

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