January 23, 2021

6 pork chops
6 pineapple rings (canned in their own juice)
1/2 c. pineapple juice
1/4 tbsp. brown sugar substitute
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Dash of rosemary leaves
1 c. celery, cut into strips
1 green pepper, cut into strips

To make PINEAPPLE PORK CHOPS, Trim all fat from meat. Brown meat on both sides in Pam-sprayed
skillet. Remove chops. Clean pan of all fat. In skillet, mix pineapple juice and sugar substitute. Add cinnamon and rosemary. Put chops in pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add celery and cover. Simmer
about 30 minutes. Add green pepper strips. Place pineapple rings on each chop. Cover and cook about 10 minutes longer. Arrange chops on serving platter. Place pineapple and pepper strips on top. Spoon
juice over. Garnish with parsley.

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