It is said that Coffee Drinkers are Smarter! Well, we know that coffee tends to make us more alert, cheerful, and energized so why not smarter? This particular study found that participants performed much better in memory tests after consuming caffeine. It has been accepted for some time that the consumption of caffeine enhances those complex brain functions linked to intelligence: attention, reaction time, vigilance, and logical reasoning. These processes all improve following a shot of caffeine, particularly when one is sleep-deprived. The coffee injection gets the brain jump-started and firing on all cylinders literally. Apparently, this neural firing is increased markedly because the caffeine blocks the neurotransmitter, Adenosine. A burst of cleverness in a cup Well my amigos this one is decidedly a “no brainer” – when called upon for that extra burst of ingenuity: Quickly consume that cup of coffee and be clever! Or brew up our Chef s Blend and Rock the world
Tags: 10 Reasons To Drink Coffee, Chef K.T. Murphy, chef keith murphy, chef murph, Chef Murph TV, Chef Murphy, Chinese, Coffee, Coffee Beans, Coffee Grinder, Coffee Happy People, food, Foodist Networks, Global Fusion Americana, irish coffee, Making Coffee Liqueur, Recipes, The Health Benefits of CoffeeCoffee Drinkers are Smarter