Crawfish & Spicy Cheese Tart

Crawfish Vol-Au-Vent
September 24, 2019

: homemade or prepared basic
: pie dough, chilled (10-inc
: pie shell)
3 TB butter
1/4 c diced red pepper
1/2 c diced onions
3 TB flour
1 lb crawfish tails
1 c hot pepper Monterey Jack
: cheese — grated
2 TB green onions — chopped
: Salt and cayenne — to
: taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On a floured surface roll out dough to a
10-inch circle. Transfer to a large lightly-greased cookie sheet. In a
saute pan melt butter. When it begins to foam add red peppers and
onions, and cook for 2 minutes. Add flour and cook, stirring, for 3
minutes. Add crawfish and cook for 2 minutes more. Remove from heat
and fold in cheese and green onions. Season to taste with salt and
cayenne. Mound crawfish mixture in center of pastry circle, leaving a
2- to 3-inch border of pastry. Fold excess pastry up over filling,
layering it over, but not completely covering filling. Work around
circle, continuing to fold over previous fold, until it forms a
rustic, free-form tart. Slide cookie sheet into oven and bake for 35

always the best, Murph

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