Deer Marinade II

January 23, 2021

Ingredients for Deer Marinade II
Categories: game, sauces
Yield: 1 servings

2 c wine, dry
2 c vinegar, white
6 ea bay leaves
12 ea cloves, whole
1 tb peppercorns, black, whole
1 ea onion, large, sliced

Combine ingredients and place meat in a bowl. Pour marinade over meat and
cover for from 2 hours to 48 hours (refrigerate if cooking is not planned
same day). Turn meat several times. Save marinade as basting sauce, repeat
use, gravy flavoring or soup additive. You should judge meat tenderness and
flavor to decide how long to marinade. Hugg’s Note: If meat is badly
bloodied, add 2 Tbsp salt and increase vinegar by 1 C.

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