Haunted By Your Past: Let It Go

January 30, 2019
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Let’s face it, our mistakes and occurrences throughout life stick in our memories like super glue. We hang on to every thought as if our lives depend on it.
For some… their past comes back to haunt them every day.  Silly really, since there is nothing, we can do to change it, so why do we subject ourselves to such consistent torture? Do we have a choice or are we doomed to being a victim of our past experiences and decisions?
Well, we do have a choice to let go of our past but it’s never an easy task for anyone to do this. But if you want freedom from the negativity of your past, you’ll have to learn to let it go…

Why Does Our Past Haunt Us?
Everyone’s situation is different but someone’s past can bring haunting memories for many reasons.
These could include:
• Past failures (Opportunities, circumstances etc).
• Relationships problems (Divorce, break, loss of friendship etc.)
• Illnesses (mental, physical)
These are the very core reasons why people ponder on their pasts. It’s a sad state to be in when you’ve failed in life at something whether its goal related or due to failed relationships. Sometimes we or someone we know struggles tremendously with life altering issues and sicknesses which scar us for life. It’s not easy to just move on but it’s necessary for a healthy and productive future.

How Can We Let Go Of Our Past?
Well, it depends on how severe of circumstances we dealt with. For some people it’ll be easier to just let things go but for others, it may take a lot more than simply forgetting and moving on. If you’ve suffered through something which is self manageable then you could do try a few things…
• Practice mindfulness and meditative practices.
• Start to change things about your life so you become more productive.
• Work toward achieving your goals.

Now if you’ve suffered from a debilitating past and are chronically disturbed then may the following actions may be your best bet…
• Get Help (Therapy, medications etc).
• Change your habits and devote more time to your health.
• Have a circle of support (Family, friends, groups etc).
Medications may not be recommended for everything and they will most certainly not solve your problems. However, they may be necessary in combination with other healing methods.

Taking medications for too long can cause unnecessary side effects and can cause a dependency which can make life even more difficult. Certain medications are even known to worsen symptoms, so taking medications wisely is highly recommended.
We have to be mindful of what we really want to feel and experience in life. We have to live our lives rather than letting our lives, live us.

No one deserves to be haunted by their past because it’s gone and it can severely prevent the ability to progress in life. Move Forward and Leave Your Past Behind You
Progression takes effort and being able to move on from your past experiences will allow you to accomplish things in which you desire. Past failures and disappointments have haunted everyone at some point but many people allow them to affect their lives in a negative way.
This is not a good habit and it’s not good for your well being.Lifestyle changes like meditation and productive activities must be implemented at the very minimum while therapy sessions and medications would be a more life saving option. Although therapy is a great option for anyone, as certain methods of therapy can create lasting changes.
Do yourself a favor and leave your past behind you. For you can’t change the past but the future is yours. Go for it.

All the best

chef Murph


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