Venison With Forest Berry Relish

January 23, 2021

Ingredients for Venison With Forest Berry Relish recipe
Categories: game
Yield: 4 servings

1 no ingredients

Lard a 1.5 kg saddle of venison generously with 200 g smoked bacon cut into
thin strips. Mix a few crushed black peppers, juniper berries and coriander
seed with 5 cl oil, 2 tablespoons od mustard and salt and spread on meat.
Slice 2 onions and heap on the meat, wrap in foil and leave to stand for 2
days. Before cooking, wipe the spices off the meat, brush lightly with oil,
roast for 25-30 minutes in a hot oven until medium done, slice and
rearrange the meat on the bone to serve. Accompany with stewed onf
preserved fruit.

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