10 Personal Development Tips

February 15, 2019

10 Personal Development Tips

by Chef K. T. Murphy

Self-esteem is a big motivator when it comes to personal growth and development. Yet

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

boosting the faith you have in yourself may be easier said than done. We all have different things that scare us or cause us to be anxious and stressed out. But these are the things that chip away at our self-esteem if left unchecked. The good news is that you can practice boosting your self-confidence.

You’ll find that the tips below will help you get results, but you have to put in the hours each day, and very quickly, you’ll start seeing the difference in how you approach everything in life.

1. Fake it til you make it

We put up imaginary boundaries all the time, ones we impose on ourselves and talk ourselves into believing they have power over us. One of the best ways to break down these barriers is to step out of your comfort zone. Even if you don’t want to and feel like it’s the hardest thing you have to do, that’s the time to fake bravado, because pretty quickly you’ll start noticing something amazing: you’re not faking it anymore.

You actually are confident and know exactly what you’re doing. In fact, what you dreaded a day, or a week ago, suddenly becomes your new norm. Then, you keep going from one new, stressful thing to another. And that’s how you gain knowledge and grow as an individual.

2. Follow through with your plans

Sometimes it can be easier to turn a blind eye to an event or commitment than actually follow through with it. But that’s just being lazy. You need to be accountable, or if you think you need help in that department, assign someone you trust to be your accountability partner. Taking on obligations means you’re giving yourself the chance to try new things and meet new people which are all great confidence boosters.

3. Picture the worst that can happen

It’s human nature to worry and picture the worst-case scenario. But it shouldn’t keep you from achieving your dreams and growing as an individual. For example, if you’re going to give a speech but hate public speaking, picture the worst possible thing that can happen and what your reaction might be, then picture the best possible outcome and what your reaction might be to that.

This gives you some sense of control and your fear will slowly dissipate. Also, planning ahead and being prepared is a sure way to give you the strength you need to follow through.

4. Believe in yourself

If you don’t believe in your abilities, no one else will. It’s important to silence those negative thoughts and harsh criticisms of yourself because it’s no use to compare yourself with others. No matter how much you achieve, you’ll find someone who’s better than you, which is why there really is only one person you need to impress – you! So focus only on yourself and how much you’ve achieved, and what your next steps will be.

5. Find a hobby

Hobbies are a wonderful way to do something you enjoy and love while giving yourself a relaxing break from the pressures of work and family. It could also be an opportunity to meet new people and learn new ways to do things.


6. Surround yourself with the right people

Your friends can either bring you down with them or lift you up. Supportive friends can mean a world of difference when it comes to personal growth. Even if we don’t realize it, we mirror each other’s moods and habits. So if the people you spend most of your time with are optimistic, motivated and ambitious, you’ll find yourself thinking in the same way, and of course, the opposite is true.

7. Live a healthy lifestyle

You are made of integrated parts that work closely together. Your body needs your brain and emotions to be fully functioning. You need to eat balanced, nutritious meals. You need to get 7 – 9 hours of quality sleep each night.

You also need to exercise 3 – 5 times a week. On top of all that, you need to practice meditation, even if it’s for as little as 5 minutes each day. Then, to give your brain a healthy workout, try doing math or memory puzzle games daily. When you feel and look good, your self-esteem gets a healthy boost and you’ll find yourself achieving more and believing in yourself more.

8. Embrace your imperfections

As important as it is to building upon your strengths, knowing your shortcomings and using them to your advantage is equally as important. Once you accept them, you can work on bettering them. Also, remember to work on changing the things you have control over and accepting what you cannot.

9. Celebrate the small victories

Make a list of all the things you’ve achieved in your life. Keep it somewhere where you can easily access it and add to it whenever you can. These affirmations are a good motivator whenever you need a positive boost.

10. Redefine your definition of failure

How you view failure, especially your own, says a great deal about how much confidence you have in yourself to get things done. Failure isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s simply a detour in the path which can lead to new opportunities. No one who’s hit it big anywhere has ever found success on their first try.

Most people will tell you they failed numerous times and got rejected and knocked down more times than they’d care to remember. But it’s part of the process that got them where they wanted to be.

Everyone needs to hone their skills, and failure is simply one way to do that. The sooner you see it in a positive light, instead of something to fear, the sooner you won’t be as wary of it when things don’t go your way.

Strong, Harder, Faster, Perfect your craft. Failure in learning to be the best through practice. Never compete against other people, only yourself with a plan. Then others will be competing against you.

All the best, Good Food makes For Better Decisions.

Chef Murph


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