When Eating Clean 5 Healthier Ways To Satisfy A Sweet Tooth

January 28, 2019

By Chef Murph K. T.

When Eating Clean 5 Healthier Ways To Satisfy A Sweet Tooth:

When you are trying to eat a clean diet that is both nutritious and low in sugar, one of the biggest problems is that you do not get to satisfy your sweet tooth as much as you could on a regular diet. When you eat clean, you cannot have foods high in sugar. This includes foods such as cookies, cakes, doughnuts, candy and other sweets.

nuts-seedsFor some, a diet without sweets is perfectly acceptable. Those who counted on having some kind of sweet food for dessert or for a snack, however, will have a more difficult time eating clean.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to satisfy your sweet tooth so eating clean won’t be so much of a chore. Here are some tips:

• Substitute plain sugar foods with fruits. Fruits are high in fructose but at least they don’t contain table sugar. Fruits not only satisfy a sweet tooth but they are high in nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. When you eat fruits, you should stick to eating the whole fruit rather than just the juice of the fruit. This is because the whole fruit is high in fiber, which can temper the amount of sugar going into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract so there will be no wide fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Instead of candy or a sugary snack, try eating a whole apple, a cup of berries, an orange or even fruits such as cantaloupe or honeydew melon. These will help you feel as if you are getting something sweet but will also provide necessary nutrients and fiber for your diet.

• Try eating popcorn. Popcorn that is lightly salted can make for a great snack in the evening. Try popping popcorn in just a little bit of salt and butter or, better yet, choose air popped popcorn. It is snacking that will satisfy your craving for something to munch on but contains no sugar. Popcorn also contains a lot of insoluble fiber, which can help your bowels move better.

• Eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has less sugar in it when compared to milk chocolate and it is high in anti-oxidants. Dark chocolate or cocoa will give you the feeling you are eating something sweet (after all, it is chocolate) but it has health benefits well beyond its ability to conquer the sweet tooth. Eat a couple of squares of dark chocolate for dessert or a nighttime snack and you’ll feel as though your sweet tooth has been satisfied. You can also drizzle dark chocolate on popcorn to have a semi-sweet popcorn that will taste great and will satisfy the munchies.

corn (2)• Cut up vegetables. Certain vegetables, such as carrots, celery, and corn have a certain kind of sweetness to it that can satisfy your sweet tooth and your need to munch on something. Try eating some corn for the natural sweetness it provides as part of your meal. Corn on the cob is especially good and contains fiber that can help your bowels and blood sugar. Cut up carrots and celery, especially when mixed with a vegetable dip can help you feel like you are munching on something decadent. The dip can be a ranch dip or even a vinaigrette for added taste and sweetness.

• Drink milk. Milk is high in protein and has milk sugar in it, which is different from table sugar. A nice warm glass of milk can satisfy your need to have something to snack on just before bedtime and will provide you with the necessary daily allotment of calcium and vitamin D. Would like to add Almond Milk up to 50% more Calcium to your diet and add it to a snack like an apple with some peanut butter.

There are things you can do to satisfy your sweet tooth when you are trying to avoid foods high in sucrose or table sugar. Eventually, many people lose their sweet tooth and don’t need to have any crutches in order to feel like they are satisfied with their eating plan.  Little changes make a big difference.

All The best

Chef Murph


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