By Chef K.T Murphy
1 waldine van geffen
1/4 lb butter
2 can cream of mushroom soup
1 lb lump crab meat
1 cup evaporated milk
1 salt and pepper
2 avocados; peel — slice
2 tablespoon bread crumbs
1 butter — melted
1 can anchovy fillets
Melt butter, add soup and simmer 5 minutes.
Stir in crab meat, milk, salt and pepper and simmer 5 minutes longer.
Line a baking dish with avocado slices and pour crab meat mixture over avocado. Sprinkle with bread crumbs and brush with melted butter.
Heat until brown, approximately 15 minutes at 350~.
Before serving sprinkle with a few drops of anchovy oil and garnish with anchovy strips.
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Chef Murph
Tags: Avocado, Baked Crab Meat, Chef K.T. Murphy, chef keith murphy, chef murph, Chef Murph TV, Chef Murphy, Chinese, food, Foodist Networks, Global Fusion Americana, Recipes