Chestnut and Apple Stuffing

January 23, 2021

Chestnut and Apple Stuffing recipe

1/2 tin chestnuts, 1/2 pound chestnut puree, or 1/2 pound fresh chestnuts, peeled
3/4 pound pork sausage meat
1/2 pound cored cooking apples, peeled and finely chopped
1 egg, beaten
1 pinch sage
Salt and pepper, to taste
1. You will have to cook your chestnuts first. Pierce the outer skin and boil or steam for 20 minutes. The skins will then peel off reasonably easily.
2. Add peeled chestnuts to boiling water and cook until tender. (Those of you who are less adventurous might want to look for canned whole chestnuts or chestnut puree, usually imported from France.)
3. Mash chestnuts almost to a pulp (fresh chestnuts may need grinding or chopping in a processor).
4. Combine with the rest of the ingredients (except the egg) and mix thoroughly. Mix in the beaten egg to bind everything together.

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