Developing a Healthy Eating Mindset:
Eating healthy isn’t the same as eating less. It’s a whole shift in how you view food and how it relates to your lifestyle. And it really comes down to is making a few simple alterations to your diet. You can opt for brown rice instead of brown, whole-wheat bread instead of white, and at restaurants, you can ask for a baked potato instead of french fries.
Bad eating habits derive from emotional or psychological instability. We use food as a reward, for comfort, or as a form of diversion when we’re stressed out about something. Figuring what those are and learning how to overcome them will be the way to conquer bad eating habits once and for all. And you’ll be able to view food, not as a coping mechanism, but rather as the minerals and nutrients your body needs to develop and thrive in a healthy, productive way. It shouldn’t be about the weight, but rather about your overall health.
No matter what your eating style, there are strategies to tap into a new outlook on food.
Love thyself
The first step towards having a healthy mindset is accepting who you are without letting others’ opinions influence you. Comparing yourself to others is futile, leaving nothing but negative thoughts and feelings in its wake.
There’s no set definition of what beauty should look like so don’t let social media dictate how you should feel or what you should eat or wear. Just strive to be the healthiest, happiest version of yourself and you’ll be content and confident in your own skin.
Be around positive people
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be around positive, supportive people. If you have a good support system, and are always around people who always want you to succeed and thrive, then you’ll find it difficult to develop healthy habits, whether it’s with food or with anything else.
This support can come from family, friends, a therapist, or a support group where you meet once a week and discuss various topics. You’ll meet new people with a similar approach to life, and take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
Focus on you
This is a hectic time we live in, and it’s important to take a step back to de-stress. Give yourself one hour a week to go out for a walk, do yoga, or just read a book. A great way to give yourself the “me” time you deserve is to find a hobby. It could be something you used to do but have no time for anymore, or it could be something entirely new. The point is to enjoy life and the little things it offers which we so casually take for granted.
Forget about the things you can’t control
Most of our time is spent fretting over the things we have no control over. This wastes so much energy and builds up an enormous amount of stress. So, we try to alleviate the stress by eating foods high in carbs and fats just for a quick pick-me-up which crashes down just as quickly as it went up.
Then we’re left feeling guilty for eating fatty food, and on top of that, the stress is still there. What you should do, instead, is learn to focus on the aspects you can control. One way to do this is to break them down into smaller tasks so you can feel more motivated and empowered. This comes with practice, so remind yourself the next time you’re worried over something out of your control.
Snack away!
Eating every 2 – 3 hours is a great way to lose weight because your metabolism is working overtime. Start the day off by eating a healthy, nutritious breakfast, and then go from there.
You can prepare healthy snacks to take in your bag for when you get hungry at work and all you’re faced with is a box of donuts and the vending machine. Remember, healthy doesn’t need to be boring. The choices are endless. All you need to do is do a bit of preparing beforehand! It’s that simple.
Having a healthy mindset when it comes to food is a great way to focus on what’s really important in life; family and friends, work, and most importantly, your health. Remember, food can either be your guide to a healthy lifestyle or it can be a deterrent to stop you from getting to where you need to go.
All The Best
Chef Murph
Tags: Chef K.T. Murphy, chef keith murphy, chef murph, Chef Murph TV, Chef Murphy, Chinese, food, Foodist Networks, Global Fusion Americana, Recipes