Early Death Due to Obesity (FAT)

January 31, 2019

By Chef K.T. Murphy

Early Death Due to Obesity (FAT):

As I fight with my own weight issues,  I have been educating myself with a Master Studies in Obesity. The same things keep coming Diabetes, Process foods, More veggies and Exercise. So, with over fifty percent of the American population is clinically obese with thirty-nine percent being adult and eighteen percent being children and teenagers. These stats place more than half of the American people at risk for developing conditions like heart disease, diabetes or cancer.

What is Obesity?
Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher are considered to be obese (CDC.gov). Body mass index is how a person’s weight and height are measured. Those who are identified as obese are deemed as having excess weight. This excess weight places them at risk for advancing health issues in for some, even death.

228229What Causes Obesity?
The primary cause of obesity is taking in too many calories and not engaging in enough physical activity to burn those calories.  Other factors that contribute to obesity include:
• Consuming foods with too many fats and calories
• Poor sleep habits contribute to a hormonal imbalance which causes you to crave high-calorie foods to boost your energy
• Poor exercise habits will not get you very far in the battle against the bulge.
• Aging can diminish your muscle mass reduces causing slower metabolism which makes gaining weight easier.
• Genetics affect where and how your body stores fat and how your body processes food to energy.
• Pregnancy is a joyous occasion, but some women may find it difficult initially to lose the excess weight following delivery
How Does Obesity Contribute to Early Death?
As discussed, obesity offers no benefits. While we may simplify the effects to material things such as having to throw out or donate old clothes to make room for bigger ones, the side effects of obesity run far more profound than that. An imbalanced body ratio in favor of body fat over muscle affects your internal organs and your bones. Next, obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes which completely changes a person’s lifestyle. It also causes regular inflammation in this body, and this increases the risk of getting cancer.
Obesity heightens the risk of death by causing health complications in a person.

These health complications include:
• Heart diseases
• Breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and colon cancer
• High blood pressure
• Gallbladder disease
• Stroke
• Type 2 diabetes
• Arthritis
• Respiratory problems
• Fatty liver disease
• Infertility
• High cholesterolEach of these conditions increases the risk of early death in a person if left untreated and can worsen as your weight increases.
How to Treat Obesity
You can treat obesity, but it may require some significant steps on your part to achieve results. Portion control of food adding more green to your plate and just get out and walk 3 times per week 30 min or more.
Lifestyle changes
You will have to make changes to some parts of your daily routines including the frequency in which you eat, the foods you consume and the fluids you drink. Many people have achieved excellent results following diets such as the paleo diet, keto diets, and Mediterranean diet. Whatever your path, you will have to be consistent and committed to this lifestyle change.
Next, you will have to examine your exercise routine and perhaps, establish one where it currently does not exist. Finally, you may need to involve your physician in ensuring you are physically ready to make some of these changes depending on your current state of health.
Weight Loss Surgery
Achieving results through dietary changes and fitness may not provide the results you are seeking. Depending on the risk to your health, your doctor may recommend medical weight loss and surgery to support your efforts. Bariatric surgery is usually the last result, but in those instances where the benefit outweighs the risk, it may be the best option. It is important to note however that weight loss surgeries are not intended to be a quick solution nor are they miracle solutions. You should take efforts to pursue a non-surgical solution before arriving at this place.
Your doctor might prescribe weight loss medications. Again, medications should be taken with caution and should not be your first solution.

In summary, obesity can contribute to a poor quality of life and expose us to a number of risk factors. These risk factors can leave us susceptible to an early death if obesity is left untreated. Take the time to help from a professional if unsure of where to begin in your efforts to take control of your health. First check with your doctor and a nutritionist build at  team for success. Next add a physical trainer or a gym. Just get up an move. maybe go dancing at a your community center. Get off the couch, stop feeding your pie hole with chocolate cover empty calories. Add Carrots, peppers, and other fruits berry’s. or juicing great nutrients

Little changes will change your weight. Its tough I go through the same think. but we can do it. All the best

Chef Murph


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