Improving Oneself: Where to Start

February 15, 2019

Improving Oneself: Where to Start

By Chef K.T. Murphy

Congratulations! You’ve made the difficult decision to try to improve yourself, but now you have to know where to start. The first thing you need to know and be prepared for is the fact that the path to self-improvement is a long and arduous journey. It’s not always going to be easy and it’s not going to happen overnight.

people doing marathon
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Figuring out where to start on this journey is over half the struggle for many people. Once you get your footing, it becomes routine and the rest of the journey becomes easier. You just have to get over that initial hump and build up your momentum.

In this article, we’re going to help you launch your journey towards self-improvement. Let’s get started.

Listing Your Goals

This may sound simple, but admitting that you need to change specific areas of your life is challenging and in order to stick to your path of self-improvement, you have to list clear ways you intend to fix them. Listing your goals is how you do that.

For each thing you want to change, list why and what steps you’re going to take to fix it. This will help keep you accountable to yourself and help you to ensure you don’t forget any steps along the way.

Make Yourself a Schedule

It’s easy to say “I’m going to do this”, but actually doing it takes more energy and effort and could open up the potential for failure. Another way to hold yourself accountable and help ensure you’ll actually go through making the changes is to make yourself a set schedule.

Rather than just saying you’re going to work on this fault this week, actually schedule a time to make a step in the right direction. For example, if you want to improve your health and eating habits, you’d want to make a meal plan each week to ensure you eat healthy and schedule days to work out.


Keep the Right Mindset

Mindset is half the battle of achieving any goal. You have to have the right mindset to push through the tough times of any challenge. Your mind mixed with your self-consciousness like to play tricks on you and fill your head with thoughts of failure.

You have to strive to keep success in your mind. When you feel negative thoughts taking control, remind yourself that you can do this. You are capable of positive change and success. It may be tough, but you’re resilient and strong; you can do it.

Don’t Back Down

No matter what, don’t give up. As we said before, this is a difficult and arduous journey. You have to be focused and dedicated; you can’t back down or give up. All giving up will do for you is get you further from self-improvement.

Remind yourself why you’re trying to improve yourself. Remind yourself of the goals you want to achieve and the work you want to do. Even though it’s challenging, the pay off is well worth it. Just don’t give up.

The journey to self-improvement is long and difficult, but it’s not impossible. With focus, resilience, and diligence you can make the changes you desire to most in the effort to improve yourself. If you put the effort in to stick to it, hold yourself accountable, and not give up, you can affect change and improve yourself.

We hope you make the effort and stick to the journey toward self-improvement. It is a noble effort with a high pay off. The harder you work, the greater the reward. There are many benefits to self-improvement, but it’s up to you to put the effort in to reap them.

All the best, Good Food makes For Better Decisions.

Chef Murph


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