Just 3 Steps Start Your Journey to Self-Improvement

February 15, 2019

Just 3 Steps Start Your Journey to Self-Improvement

by Chef K.T. Murphy

The journey to self-improvement is long and challenging, but it can be accomplished in just three steps. Notice how we didn’t say “easy steps”? That’s because they aren’t easy. Self-improvement involves taking a long, hard, critical look at yourself as a person; judging your faults and flaws and trying to fix them. It’s hard and grueling, but it’s rewarding and healthful.

man with fireworks
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

In this article, we’re going to walk you through these three steps and get you well on your way to improving yourself and being the best you possibly can be.

1) Find and Own Your Problem Areas

The first step in your journey to self-improvement is the most important, as it lays the groundwork on which everything else rests. It’s also one of the most difficult parts of the journey. You may think that identifying your problem areas sounds easy, but it’s a lot more difficult than you might think.

First, you have to see what areas of your life need improvement and where you’re struggling. Have you noticed that your friends may not like to be around you as much anymore? Or maybe your activities together have come down to just those that don’t involve talking? Maybe that’s where you need to start your search. Do you find yourself highly unproductive and unhappy at work? Maybe your problem is your job or career path.

This step is such a challenge because you have to look at the hard areas of your life and the hard times, things most people prefer to forget about and move on from, address them, and then actively dos something about it. Again, it sounds a whole lot easier than it is. It’s a pretty emotional and trying experience, but necessary.


2) Make a Plan and Stick to It

The only way you’re ever going to fix these problem areas is by actively trying to with purpose. This means taking the time to plan out what steps are necessary to fix the problem, how to incorporate and maintain new habits, and how to change something that’s been so ingrained as a part of you for so long. It’s no easy feat.

First, you need to list out each problem. Under each one, make a list of the major goals or milestones you have to achieve or reach in order to affect change in this area of your life. Then, make a plan for how you’re going to reach each one of those milestones.

3) Keep Moving Forward

The last crucial step towards self-improvement is actively moving forward in the process. Make a schedule, develop a routine, incorporate new habits. Whatever you have to do to keep the positive change happening, do it. Don’t get hung up in a step and give yourself an excuse not to finish.

An important part of keeping moving forward is not letting failure get the better of you. As we said, the journey to self-improvement is not easy. It involves a lot of harsh truths, perseverance, and trials. Some goals may be harder to reach and some steps may be more difficult to complete, but you can’t let struggles or the fear or risk of failure get in the way. Stick it out.

There is no easy thing about the journey toward self-improvement, but it’s a highly rewarding and noble effort. Self-improvement can help you go far in life and help you to develop and strengthen the necessary skills to achieve success.

It won’t be easy and it won’t happen overnight, but if you complete these three steps and complete them successfully, you can be well on your way to living a life focused on self-improvement and make yourself the best possible version of you.

All the best, Good Food makes For Better Decisions.

Chef Murph


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