What Foods Support Bone Health

January 28, 2019

by Chef K.T. Murphy

What Foods Support Bone Health:

There are certain foods you need to protect your bones from things such as ink-black-white-illustration-human-skull-crossed-bones-skull-bones-111370654osteoporosis. These foods are especially high in calcium and vitamin D. Here are some foods that can enhance the health of your bones:

• Dairy products, including low fat milk, yogurt, and cheese – These are high in calcium and many are fortified with vitamin D. Almond milk provides one of the highest amounts of Calcium

• Fish – This includes canned Sardines, Salmon (with bones), Salmon, Tilapia Tuna, and Mackerel. These are high in proteins, calcium and vitamin D.

• Fruits and vegetables – These include the full variety of fruits and vegetables including kale,  spinach, beet greens, tomato products, potatoes, raisins, spinach, sweet potatoes, papaya, oranges, mustard greens, other dark leafy greens, and bananas. These are high in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

• Fortified foods – These include foods like breakfast foods, breads, and certain types of juices; they are usually fortified with calcium and vitamin D.

Other Foods That Are Healthy For Your Bones

Things that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil and fish oil are good for your bones as are things like blueberries, soybeans, and olive oil. Even small amounts of certain alcoholic drinks can help your bones, including wine and beer. Tea may also be beneficial to your bones.

Beans are high in calcium but also contain fiber and magnesium as well as phytates, which can interfere with calcium absorption. You can reduce the phytates level of beans by soaking them for several hours before cooking them in clean water.

It is a good idea to get enough protein in your diet for good overall health. You can get protein through eating meat and other foods high in protein. Dairy products do double good by containing both protein and calcium.

Stay away from foods that are too salty. High salt foods cause calcium loss in your body, which is not food for your bones. Read the nutrition facts on all foods and if you can stay under 2400 mg or less of sodium per day, you are probably doing well.

You should limit your intake of spinach because it contains oxalates. When you take in too much oxalates, your system doesn’t absorb calcium as well. Other foods that are high in oxalates include beet greens, rhubarb, and some kinds of beans.

Wheat bran is also high in phytates that can cause poor absorption of calcium. Unlike beans, however, 100 percent wheat bran can reduce the absorption of calcium if you eat those foods at the same time as when you are eating wheat bran. Wheat bran in foods like bread isn’t as concentrated and will have a lesser impact on calcium absorption.

Caffeine and alcohol in excessive amounts can contribute to loss of bone. Drink no more than 2-3 alcoholic beverages in a day to protect your bones. Caffeine from sodas, tea, and coffee can also interfere with calcium absorption and should be taken in with moderation. Colas are especially bad for your bones. It is not the carbonation that is bad for you but the caffeine and phosphorus found in these beverages.


In order to get enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet for good bone health, you chef murph logo 2should drink and eat plenty of dairy products and foods that are fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Just about any kind of meat should provide you with the protein your bones need and all kinds of fruits and vegetables are considered healthy for your bones.  Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated beverages, particularly cola because the caffeine and alcohol can interfere with calcium absorption and colas especially are high in phosphorus, which is antagonistic to calcium.

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