What Top Experts Say About Healthy Eating

February 15, 2019

What Top Experts Say About Healthy Eating

by Chef K.T. Murphy

Every day we are bogged down with something new in the health world. One minute something is good for you, the next it’s not. What makes this dilemma so difficult is weeding out those with the facts and those who think they have the facts. The concepts almost seem larger than life as well. Often times, we just want that little motivational boost to keep us going on the path of healthy eating.

Have no fear because your search is over! I’ve compiled a list of the top health experts; from a variety of backgrounds that will help you clear the road on your health journey.

adult bowl cute daylight
Photo by Nathan Cowley on Pexels.com

Mark Sisson

Mark Sisson breaks the stigma of ageism in the fitness world with his 63 years of wisdom. He’s the driving force behind the Primal movement that focuses around “ancestral health principles.” His Primal Blueprint states the belief that “your genes express themselves in order to build the strongest, leanest, healthiest body possible, taking clues from evolutionary biology.”

Think Paleo meets mindfulness. With regards to healthy eating, he stresses the importance of living a balanced life; free from careless eating. He quotes, “eat food with others, sits down to dinner, takes the time to appreciate the food you’re eating. Just because you’re scarfing down grass-fed beef and pastured eggs don’t mean you can get away with mindless consumption.”

Chris Kresser

Chris Kresser merges eating clean and psychology with his multi-faceted approach to healthy living. His alternative and integrative medicinal practices aid in identifying the root cause of his client’s issues. Through evidence-based coping strategies, he helps individuals maintain a routine with healthy eating. He stresses, “The quality of food matters a lot more than the quantity.”

Sticking to the food of our ancestors, he believes in the removal of all grains in the human diet. He says, “While replacing refined grains with whole grains results in only modest health improvements; removing grains altogether and adopting a Paleolithic diet improves health across the board.”

His medical and scientific approach to breaking down what food actually does to your body is fascinating.

Monica Reinagel

Monica Reinagel is here to bust all health myths and help people find the right healthy lifestyle for them. Her down to earth health tips is personable and easy to follow. She even advocates for all french-fry lovers everywhere! “I’m living proof of the fact that you don’t have to eat a perfect diet in order to be happy and healthy.”

Her laid-back approach is manifested within her website Nutrition Over Easy. Through her Weightless program, she discusses the importance of finding the right diet that works for your lifestyle. She says, “Taking consistent action, however imperfectly, beats another month (year/decade) perfecting my philosophy and planning my approach. If I want to make more progress toward my goals, I need to quit researching and start putting some of what I already know into action. And through trial and error, I’ll learn what works for me.”


This take-charge attitude puts individuals in the driver’s seat in order to make practice decisions. Her biggest tip for achieving meal satisfaction is an awesome way to trick your mind. “Instead of just grabbing a snack, consciously make it a meal.

Even if it’s just a few bites or you don’t have much time, be sure to signal to your brain and senses that you’re satisfying your need for food. Sit down. Put it on a plate. Mentally re-label those snacks as mini-meals and see if they don’t feel a little more satisfying.”

There are countless other nutrition and health experts floating around with viable information. Although they each possess their own sentiments, what remains the same is that their goal of wellness required work.

Achieving an overall healthy lifestyle comes with dedication, knowledge, and putting a plan into action. If you’re looking for an awesome start to your new lifestyle, check out the experts listed above and find the plan that’s right for you!

All the best, Good Food makes For Better Decisions.

Chef Murph


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