By K.T. Murphy AKA: Chef Murph

1. Chicken Skewers
In a parking lot filled with sandwich bread, burger buns and pigs-in-a-blanket, a skewer of chicken breast can be a welcome sight. It is still necessary to ask the chef a few questions to make sure the chicken is gluten-free. Were any marinades used to prepare the chicken? How about the cooking surface – was it celiac-safe? Was there any cross contact with utensils?
2. Chili
Another concern with Chili –especially if it is in an open pot – is the chance that a fellow tailgater dipped something inside like a piece of bread just to get a quick taste.
3. Meatballs
The major concern with meatballs is the binding agent used. Most people use breadcrumbs to keep the ingredients bound. Check with the preparer to be safe. If you’re looking for a substitute, Betty Crocker Potato Buds are a gluten-free alternative to breadcrumbs.
4. Potato Salad/Potato Skins
Potatoes, celery, mayonnaise, and mustard. These ingredients seem harmless at first, but one, in particular, can cause havoc to a person with Celiac Disease. If prepared in a gluten-filled house, it’s likely that there are breadcrumbs inside the jar of mayonnaise. Just this small trace of gluten is enough to create an autoimmune reaction.
5. Spinach & Artichoke Dip
Many store-bought spinach and artichoke dips contain wheat as a thickening agent. It also helps to bind the dip together, so it doesn’t separate.
Ask what ingredients were used and if you can read the label. If you’re not sure if something was homemade or store-bought, ask the person who brought the dish in private. Just remember these types of food that can be dangerous to Celiacs at a party, and you’ll be able to enjoy yourself at the next tailgate without getting sick. Sometimes it better to abstain or bring your own food for your safety because you are important.
Chef Murph